HIPAA Security Notice

Security and Incident Reporting

Thank you for your business and entrusting your private and confidential information (Private Information). We have always treated with the utmost care all Private Information provided to us. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.



The HIPAA Security Rules require that a Security Incident Report (Report) be provided to certain entities that provide us with Electronic Protected Health Information. The information contained herein is intended to fulfill our obligation to provide you with that Report.


Today’s networks are under constant threat from hackers, worms, Trojan horses, and viruses. While our networks experience numerous denial of service attacks, port scans, and pings each month, these unauthorized attempts to access our sites are unsuccessful. If an unauthorized individual or entity successfully accesses our networks, we will mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect of the unauthorized disclosure. Once we become aware of successful unauthorized access or other disclosure in violation of our privacy policies and procedures, we will report the details of the unauthorized disclosure to the parties affected in accordance with federal and state laws.


For more information about our Privacy Policy, please contact support@thinkbenefits.co.